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Kidgate Primary Academy

‘Growing Kind Hearts and Curious Minds’

‘Growing Kind Hearts and Curious Minds’

Year 6

Block 4: Monday 1st June - Friday 5th June 2020

Whilst we would like you to be able to complete as much of our home learning as you can, we also understand that this may not always be possible.  This may be for a number of reasons.  We appreciate that every family is going through a range of different experiences and challenges at the moment and we would not want you to be hard on yourselves if you do not feel able to complete learning on a particular day in a given week.  All we ask is that you and your children try to do whatever you can, with the time and resources you have available.  We will always be very grateful for anything you are able to do, but will not mind if some work is left incomplete.

Timetable 1-5 June 2020
Block 3: Monday 11th – Friday 15th May 2020
Whilst we would like you to be able to complete as much of our home learning as you can, we also understand that this may not always be possible.  This may be for a number of reasons.  We appreciate that every family is going through a range of different experiences and challenges at the moment and we would not want you to be hard on yourselves if you do not feel able to complete learning on a particular day in a given week.  All we ask is that you and your children try to do whatever you can, with the time and resources you have available.  We will always be very grateful for anything you are able to do, but will not mind if some work is left incomplete.
MATHS work 
Week starting 11.5.2020
Week starting 18.5.2020

Home Learning from the week beginning 6th April


Hello children and families of Year 6 children. We have prepared a timetable of home learning you could do over three weeks. I know it should be the Easter Holidays soon, so this work can be done over any of the next five weeks to make sure you have two weeks of not doing any school work. 


Mrs Jones and Mrs Kirk have given you some ideas for daily small activities, some Maths / Project / choice challenge learning and then some enrichment activities you can do too. All the things you need to do the home learning will be put on here.


For the Maths, have a look at the timetable to see what order to do things and look at the White Rose maths documents for the questions in each of these areas - we have done many of these in school so you should get a 'feel' for them quickly!


For the Project tasks, look at the timetable to see what tasks to do and how long to spend on it. Then look at the word documents to see the details of the task.



Daily Activities/ Choice Activities
Maths documents to use.
Project documents to use.
 Spelling Punctuation and Grammar Mini  Tests
Year 6 Writing Support
Times Tables Rock Stars