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Kidgate Primary Academy

‘Shaping Lives, Building Futures’

‘Shaping Lives, Building Futures’

Year 2

Welcome to the Year 2 Page

Hello and welcome to the Year 2 page.


The Year 2 teachers are Miss Morrow (Class 2M) and Mrs Davison (Class 2D). Our teaching assistants are Mrs Lingard Cook and Miss Lonsdale.

We are all very excited about this year as there are lots of great projects, fun learning and

experiences to be had.

Throughout the year, we will add details of the projects we will be covering to the website so that you can keep up to date with what the children are learning. A curriculum newsletter and knowledge organiser will be sent out at the start of each term with these details on too. We will also regularly update our class page with photos of the learning experiences so you can see what we have been up to.


Important information and days

- Spelling tests - yellow books will need to be returned on Monday mornings, and new spellings will be sent home on Tuesdays.

- Homework - (This will start in the next few weeks) homework is sent home each Wednesday. Please ensure green homework books are returned on or before Wednesdays.

- Times Tables tests - these are on Fridays. The blue books will need to be returned on, or before, a Friday morning.

- RWI Book Bag Books - if your child is still on RWI Phonics, they will bring home their book bag book on Friday afternoons. Please return them by Thursday.

- Additional reading books can be changed during the week, but will need to be handed in to be changed.

- PE days are Tuesdays and Fridays. PE Kit needs to be brought into school each Monday and will be sent home to be washed on Fridays. 

Contacting us

Please send in questions or comments using the email addresses that have been sent out at the start of the year. (  A member of the Year 2 team will be available on the gate at the start and the end of the day for you to pass on any last minute messages. Please also contact the school office for other communications.


We have been learning about how animals are suited to living in different habitats. We then created our own new animal, drew it in its habitat, then coloured the habitat using coloured pencils and practised our watercolour technique to add colour to our new animals.

We have practised our mapwork skills, exploring the continent of Africa in the atlas. We also learnt how to use compass points to find landmarks.

Today we learnt about Romero Britto. We practised drawing and colouring using similar patterns, then created our own animal drawing inspired by his work. We love the bright colours!

To start our new project, we had a treasure hunt which left us with a code to break. After finding all the clues we worked hard to crack the code. This told us that our new project is called Animals, Art and Africa.

We were inspired by 1960's pop artist Bridget Riley, so we made some digital artwork in her style.

We have loved learning about space travel, the Apollo Missions and Neil Armstrong. We designed our own lunar buggy using Paint software, then built them using Lego. We think they look great!

After learning about Dr Who, we turned our favourite character/object into a moving toy. Here are our Cybermen, Daleks, K-9s and the Tardis.

World Book Day fun!

We have learnt about how Mary Quant had a significant impact on fashion in the 1960s. There were lots of changes in the clothes that people wore. Here we have designed and made clothes in the style of Mary Quant.

Today, we have been making Christmas cards with moving parts. We have really enjoyed it, and are sure our lucky recipients will love them as much as we do!

This week we have been using computing software to create patterns for our 2024 calendars.

KS1 were lucky to have a visit from Sunita. She told the story of Rama and Sita. The children enjoyed every minute of it!

Year 2 have been testing which materials are best for a waterproof bag to take on a Happy Holiday to a water park.

Year 2 created their own poppies to help them to remember.

Year 2 have planted their bulbs and will wait until Spring to see the results.

Here is the latest weather update from the weather watchers.

Year 2 have been working together to create the background for our shell pictures.

Year 2 have been investigating colours. They have painted with primary colours and and found secondary colours by mixing.

Year 2 have been busy planting their seeds in science. They have set up an investigation to see what plants need to grow well.

Year 2 have been busy using different media to draw shells. Here are some of the chalk images they have created.

Year 2 have been busy using atlases and maps to find out where Louth is in the world.

Year 2 have started being weather watchers and gardeners this week. More updates to follow.

Learning Launch. Today, we boarded Kidgate Airways Flight 1 to our dream holiday destination. We had to make sure we had our passports and boarding passes, before travelling to the airport, waiting in the lounge area, and going through security and passport control. Once we boarded the plane, we securely stored our luggage, fastened our seat-belts, and got ready to go on our adventure. We had a wonderful flight and it was very exciting looking out of the window at the houses getting smaller and smaller as we flew over them. We had a refreshments break and a quick nap when the seat-belt light went off, then got ready for a bumpy descent. We can’t wait to find out what it is like in the different countries we have landed in!

Year 2 have been busy investigating the nature around us at Kidgate Primary Academy.

