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Kidgate Primary Academy

‘Shaping Lives, Building Futures’

‘Shaping Lives, Building Futures’

Year 1

Hello and a Warm Welcome to the Year 1 Page!


The Year 1 teachers are Miss Olsen (1O) and Miss Comley (1C).


Other members of our Year 1 team are Mrs Riley, Miss Mee and Mrs Ireland.


Throughout the year, we will be embarking on lots of thrilling projects & exciting experiences within our learning. We will share our learning journey and update the website with details of our current topic.

We will be sure to show you what we have been enjoying and been proud of!


Key Days:

  • Miss Olsen's Class: P.E/Games - Thursday and Friday. 
  • Miss Comley's Class: P.E/Games - Thursday and Friday.


Contacting Us:

If you have any questions or information you would like to share, please use the class teacher email address shared with you at the beginning of the year, or phone the school office. At the start and end of the day, members of the Year 1 team will be available to communicate any matters. Please feel free to ask any questions, no matter how big or small, and we will be more than happy to help. 

Key information

  • Reading books will be handed out on a Friday. Please listen to your child read regularly during the week. It is important to read a book more than once in order to become more familiar with the story and confident with decoding the words. 
  • Please bring reading books into school everyday, as your child will be listened to at school.
  • Click on the link to see a list of the common exception words that the children should be able to read and write by the end of Year 1. 

Cress Sandwiches

Our Wonderful World

This Summer term Year 1 will be asking the question 'what makes our world beautiful?' We will be exploring where our food comes from and have a go at growing our own. We will also be learning all about plants.

Celebration of Learning - Castle Building

Science Week- making our own sand timers

Heroes from the Past

This term we will be travelling back in time to find out about The Great Fire of London. In particular, we will be looking at the key events that took place during the fire and will be exploring Samuel Pepys role during this time.

Please find our curriculum newsletter and knowledge organiser attached below.


Lincoln Castle Trip

Year 1 had an adventure at Lincoln Castle, learning all about what life was like in medieval times. We explored the castle and learned all about it's past. We designed our own coats of arms which went on our shield and we reenacted a medieval banquet. We also learned about the armour the knights used to wear and we even had a go at archery! 

Antarctic Expedition

Year 1 went on an expedition to Antarctica this week! We got on the plane and flew to the coldest place on the earth. We found clues to tell us we were in Antarctica and we even found Paddington having fun in the snow! 

Exploring our Senses in Science

Marmalade Sandwiches


This week in Year 1, we have enjoyed making some marmalade sandwiches! We have made them so we can write a letter to Paddington Bear with some instructions on how to make a marmalade sandwich, we hope he enjoys his sandwich as much as we enjoyed ours!

Marmalade Sandwiches

Let's Explore...Our Classrooms!


Throughout the first half term, the children have really enjoyed exploring their new classrooms. They have had the chance to learn in small groups, work independently at the tables and work independently when accessing the activities around the classroom.


They have been painting, mixing paint colours, writing, cutting and sticking, creating collages, building, drawing, using the iPads, acting out stories, reading stories, exploring numbers and partaking in many more activities too.


We have had a lovely beginning to the year and the children have settled in well to Year 1. We cannot wait for our next adventures in our next half term.


I wonder who we will explore with next and where we will go?

Let's Explore...The United Kingdom!


Paddington then disappeared from our classrooms! We were shocked!


A few days later we received a postcard from four different cities. Paddington had been exploring once again. He adventured to Cardiff, Belfast, Edinburgh and London. He told us all about his wonderful adventures and made sure he always had his marmalade sandwiches with him.

Paddington visited Wales, Northern Ireland, Scotland and England.

Let's Explore...Louth!


As part of our Geography learning, we have been exploring Louth with Paddington. We have looked at the human and physical features of Louth and decided which of these are our favourites. Which one do you prefer? Some of us even spotted Paddington around Louth at the weekends!


This is the pictogram we made together. We voted for our favourite places in Louth.

Let's Explore...with Paddington!

The children have had an unexpected visit from somebody special! Paddington arrived at Kidgate Primary School!

It all started when we received a letter addressed to Year 1 from the postman. We opened it to find lots of different clues leading us to our special friend. We cannot wait to find out all about the different adventures that Paddington has been on.

Our new friend- Paddington Bear

Let's Explore...Our Feelings

We have been exploring the different feelings that The Colour Monster felt in the story. We have been experimenting with colour mixing to create some of the colours represented. We also made a collage of The Colour Monster to show how we were feeling.

Let's Explore...The Colour Monster

We have been reading and exploring the fantastic book 'The Colour Monster'.  The children have been learning about the different feelings that are represented in the book and, in their art work, have experimented with how to mix colours together to create a range of different shades and tones.  

Let's Explore!

Our first project in Year 1 is 'Let's Explore'. 

