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Kidgate Primary Academy

‘Shaping Lives, Building Futures’

‘Shaping Lives, Building Futures’

Year 2

Whilst we would like you to be able to complete as much of our home learning as you can, we also understand that this may not always be possible.  This may be for a number of reasons.  We appreciate that every family is going through a range of different experiences and challenges at the moment and we would not want you to be hard on yourselves if you do not feel able to complete learning on a particular day in a given week.  All we ask is that you and your children try to do whatever you can, with the time and resources you have available.  We will always be very grateful for anything you are able to do, but will not mind if some work is left incomplete.

Year 2 Gallery

Block 3  Week 3 (1.6.20-5.6.20)


Short Reading Comprehension – Arctic Yoga


Lewis the Ladybird has got a problem. There is a planning sheet to help you to write a story about Lewis. It could take a week to write it. When you write it don’t forget to practise your neat joined handwriting, use capital letters and full stops (question marks or exclamation marks if you need them). Try to add in a list with commas, use adjectives, use adverbs and use conjunctions (and, so, but, because, that, if, or, when) to add extra details.


Geometry Position and Direction White Rose Learning sequence – Lessons 1-4

Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation

Tenses 3 – there are slides for this here


Find out about habitats around the world. Here are some slides of information, activities and sheets that can be used for your investigations (the sheets give you an idea of what you can write in your home learning book).

Block 3 Week 3 Challenge

2020 Great Bug Hunt. This is a national competition usually completed through school but this year it can be completed at home. Below is the website link. 

This can be completed in your house, in your garden or on a daily exercise walk. Your entry to the competition could be a story, a poster, a fact file (may be like the one you have already done), a poem or a video perhaps. There are examples on the website. There are also details of how to submit your entry. Good luck.

Block 3 From 11th May

Dear Year 2 Parents and Carers

It has been great over the past few weeks to see the learning and fun the Year 2 children have been having at home. Thank you for all of the emails, please keep them coming.


Once again for this Block please try to complete the suggestions for the Every Day section and a new 5 a day arithmetic questions sheet has been added to this section below.


The Every Week section is further below too so if you are able to complete a book review, some handwriting practise, telling the time, using money or spelling then that is great. Thank you.


We have now added Block 3 Week 1 (11.5.20-15.5.20) and Block 3 Week 2 (18.5.20-22.5.20) immediately below as this is a 2 week block. There are ideas for Reading, Writing, Maths, Grammar, Science and our weekly Challenge.


After this there are ideas for activities at home for other subjects too. Please refer back to Block 2 and Block 1 for other ideas and websites (some websites have been updating ideas each week too).


Please email with any questions.

Year 2 Team - Mrs Stevens and Mrs Davison

Block 3 Week 1 (11.5.20-15.5.20)


Short Reading Comprehension - Polar Bears



Think about a mini beast that you know a lot about or can find out information about. Look at the sheet to get an idea how you can set out your information in your home learning book. Write in sentences, with capital letters and full stops. Use the right technical vocabulary. Use conjunctions (and, so, that, because, but, if, or when) so you can give further information in your sentences. If you are writing a list then don’t forget commas. Check your spelling. There is a word mat to help with words to describe different mini-beast.


Statistics White Rose Learning Sequence – Lesson 1 Tally charts, Lesson 2 Draw 1-1 Pictograms, Lesson 3 Interpret 1-1 Pictograms

Grammar and Punctuation

Tenses 1 – there are slides for this here


Find out about things that are alive, have been alive and were never alive. Here are some slides of information, activities and sheets that can be used to help your investigations (the sheets give you an idea of what you can write in your home learning book).

Block 3 Week 1 Challenge

Using things you have outside or in the house, create an obstacle course in your garden, outside area, hall way or even your bedroom. You could use a plant pot as a hurdle, plastic cups to run around, a sheet on the floor to crawl under, the possibilities are endless!

With this challenge it is really, really important you check with a grown up before using anything! Maybe after you have made it, your grown up could have a go and you could time them going round your course?


Block 3 Week 2 (18.5.20-22.5.20)


Short Reading Comprehension – Antarctic


Read/listen to the book The Greedy Bee (the link for it is below). Plan out the story in the box it up sheet (you can draw boxes like the sheet in your home learning book). I have added in time words and I have filled in the top row to help you to remember how to use the grid (you can draw pictures if you don’t want to write notes for what happened). Next job is to write the story in your own words, write it as a recount (telling the audience what has happened to the very greedy bee), write it in the past tense, use time words, capital letters and full stops for sentences, use technical words from the story (like hive and nectar), use adverbs and conjunctions (and, so, but, because, that, if, or, when).


Statistics White Rose Learning Sequence – Lesson 4 Draw 2, 5 & 10 Pictograms, Lesson 5 – interpret 2, 5, & 10 Pictograms, Lesson 6 Block graphs.

Grammar and Punctuation

Tenses 2 – there are slides for this here


Find out about micro habitats. Here are some slides of information, activities and sheets that can be used for your investigations (the sheets give you an idea of what you can write in your home learning book).

Block 3 Week 2 Challenge

Make a bug hotel – Here are some instructions for a larger Bug hotel but you may not have all of these resources so here are some photographs of smaller bug hotels too. Happy building!

Block 3 Other Subject Ideas


Slides of information, questions to discuss, videos to watch, pictures to look at and activities to do for VE Day (in case you missed it).



Label parts of the different creatures.

Life cycles of different creatures.


Map/plan out your bedroom or your garden. Here are some ideas to help get you started.


Play beetle – here are the instructions.

Make you own jigsaw using cereal box fronts.


Extra activities – Describe a monster, A day in the life of a cat, The Zoo Vet.


Think out what place you would like to see through your home door keyhole. It might be your garden, it might be a holiday to go on in the future, it could be going into space like Neil Armstrong or it could be a magic doorway and you could go back to the past. Draw the keyhole and draw what you can see.

If you have any cardboard packaging you could use it to make pictures. Here is one of a face you could try.

STEM Challenges

These are challenges for girls and boys to get them thinking more deeply about Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.


Every Day


  • Read aloud and in your head every day. This could be for 20 minutes each day. Inference question starts – Please ask your grown up to ask you questions about the books you are reading. Your grown-ups could ask a couple of questions each day or have a longer question session once a week.
  • If you have been doing phonics each day at school then please practise the RWI sounds to help with reading and spelling. This could be reading the sounds each day. There is parent help with this on this website


  • Times tables – Keep practising counting sequences for 2s, 5s and 10s. 10 questions a day should help to keep the times tables in your head. This website can help with times tables practise.
  • Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division & Fractions – Please continue practising these. Your grown up could write out questions using ideas like those on the workshop sheets. 5 different questions each day will help to keep how to do it in your head – addition like 36 + 29 =, subtraction like 52 – 34 =, multiplication like 6 x 5 =, division like 22 ÷ 2 = and fraction like ¼ of 20 =. There is a sheet of questions to help with this.
  • Telling the time – Please continue this work with a grown up at home to tell the time for o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past, and 5 minute intervals (like 10 minutes past 3 and 20 minutes to 4). There is a print and cut out clock face in the pack to help. Try telling your grown up what the time is 3 times each day.
  • White Rose Maths also do a problem of the day. For each problem there is a Key Stage 1 problem (in red/brown) and a Key Stage 2 problem (in blue). There is one problem each day.

Every Week


  • Book review & Connections – Please continue with book reviews and how books are connected. Try to do one book review and one book connections each week.
  • Please look at these websites for free ebooks if you don’t have extra books at home. (Please note Audible is a 30 day free trial)
  • Practise reading the Year 2 Common Exception Words. This could be a couple of times each week.
  • Extra ideas if you need them - phonics games here


  • Handwriting - Practise the joined up handwriting style that is in your homework book. One session of handwriting practise each week should help to keep your writing neat and joined.
  • Extra ideas if you need them - Design your own planet, Writing an advert and Writing a diary. These are in this block.

Spelling, Grammar & Punctuation

  • Practise previous spellings – Look through your spelling book and practise the spellings that have been sent home during the year. You could have a mixed up test of 10 words once a week. If you can’t find your spelling book then there is a sheet with rules and patterns for Year 2 Spellings.
  • Year 2 Common Exception Words – Practise reading and writing these using the sheet. You could practise spelling 10 of these each week.
  • Extra ideas if you need them


  • Money – Please continue this work with a grown up at home so you know what the different coins are that we use in the UK. Try counting money, using money to pay for things at home or sorting money once a week. There is a sheet with coins on it to help.
  • Extra ideas if you need them: In school we use White Rose Maths for some of our questions so the children will be familiar with the layout of the questions.

Block 2 Week 1


  • Comprehension exercise – Neil Armstrong


  • Build something, make something or do something (like build a lego house, make a sandwich, build a den, paint a picture or do the washing up). Now write instructions about it. Do this over a week, planning it out and then writing it. So think about: What you need; draw step by step pictures; number your instructions; use a time word (First, Then, Next, After that, Later, Finally); use a bossy verb (like cut, fold, wash); write out the sentences and don’t forget a capital letter and a full stop for each sentence. There is a sheet to show what your instructions could look like.


  • Measuring height and length. There is a learning sequence with questions in this block. 

Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation

  • Compound Words – There are slides for this in the block.

Week 1 Challenge

Using a range of recycled materials from your home, design and make a boat which will float on water whilst carrying a passenger (at least the weight of a 2p coin).

Think about our science learning, which materials are going to work best to make your boat water proof and float? Did you need to change anything from your design to make it float better? How many 1p/2p coins can it carry before it sinks?


You could use this to help you write your instructions or maybe write a story about the adventure your boat goes on!


Don’t forget to take a picture of your boat!

Block 2 Week 2


  • Comprehension exercise – Coastal Holidays


  • Just after Christmas you wrote about a toy of yours having an adventure at school (like Traction Man). Now write a story about your toy having an adventure at home. Pick the toy, draw it and draw where the adventure is going to be. Now use the mountain planning sheet.  For the first part think about what your toy would normally be doing on a normal day, what the toy looks like and where it is. In the next box something starts to happen, it could be a good thing, an exciting thing or a worrying thing. In the top box is where the big thing that is happening is at its greatest. Going down the mountain on the other side needs the problem to be sorted out or the exciting thing to be calming down. Finally in the last box think, is it going to end well for your toy? Plan out the story during this week. Here is a song to help with how to use a story mountain planning sheet.

Story Mountain Planning


  • Measuring mass (weight). There is a learning sequence with questions in this block for comparing mass and measuring mass.

Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation

  • Suffixes 1 – There are slides for this in the block.

Week 2 Challenge

Thinking about our Happy Holidays project, create your own country based on all the geographical features you most liked about other countries. Consider the physical features your country will have; hotels, shops, theme parks etc and the human features it will have; beaches, weather, mountains etc. 

You can draw all of the features of your country on a map and use a key to show what they are.


Don’t forget to give your country a name and you could even draw your own flag!

Block 2 Week 3


  • Comprehension exercise – Seasons of the World


  • Your toy has been on an adventure and you have planned it. Now is the week to write it. When you write it don’t forget to practise your neat joined handwriting, use capital letters and full stops (question marks or exclamation marks if you need them). Try to add in: a list with commas, adjectives, adverbs and conjunctions (and, so, but, because, that, if, or, when) to add extra details.


  • Measuring capacity (volume) and temperature. There is a learning sequence with questions in this block for comparing volume and measuring litres, millilitres and temperature.

Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation

  • Suffixes 2 – There are slides for this in the block.

Week 3 Challenge

Using what you know about living a healthy lifestyle (eating fruit and vegetables, drinking water etc) from our Science and PSHE learning, can you create a special menu with three healthy and delicious meals; breakfast, lunch and tea?

What things will you include? How can you make your meals balanced including, meat, dairy, vegetables, fruit, fats and pasta/potatoes?

Once you have planned your meals, give your restaurant a name, write down your meals including the ingredients you would need to make them and draw a picture of what the finished dish would look like.


An adult at home might be able to help you make one of your healthy, balanced meals, adapting it to fit the things you have at home.

Block 2 Other Subjects - Ideas


Now has never been a more important time to take care of our mental and physical well-being. The children know lots about living a healthy, balanced lifestyle including what we eat and drink, exercise and getting the right amount of sleep. We hope the links below help to support this. 




These websites have fun science investigations to do at home.


This website is an old BBC one but it is still very useful for history. Having a good knowledge of world and British history will definitely help throughout primary school and beyond.


It can be tricky to complete lots of different art over the next few weeks as you may not have different papers, glue, felt tips or crayons. So here are some ideas for just pen and paper.


There are Music lessons on Youtube with Myleen Klass.

Learn your favourite song and perform it to your grown ups.

The one where we learn basic rhythms and then play your name


Oti Mabuti (Strictly Come Dancing) has been streaming dance challenges on Youtube. 


Joe Wicks (The Body Coach) has been providing a daily PE lesson on Youtube each day at 9.00am. 

Oti Mabuse and Marius Lepure Shrek kids dance class

P.E with Joe | Monday 23rd March 2020

Day One of my 9am daily workouts


To help to remember the Continents of the world here is a song 

To help to remember the Oceans of the world here is a song 

Here is a game to help with the countries of the UK and Ireland, and their capitals. 

Seven Continents Song

Five Oceans Song



Try programming with Scratch junior or with Minecraft.

Design & Technology

If you have the ingredients help to bake cakes, biscuits, pastry or bread.

Prepare a sandwich, fruit salad or help to prepare a meal.

Build with lego with the 30 day challenge.

Make your own play dough and construct with it.

Junk modelling – make a rocket.

How to Make Play Dough
