Year 4
Welcome to Year 4
Hello and welcome to the Year 4 class page. The Year 4 teachers are Mrs Davison and Mr Bateman. Teaching Assistants working with the children this year are Mrs Robertshaw, Mrs Cooper and Mrs Padbury. Miss Andrews and Mrs Lingard Cook will be spending time teaching in Year 4 too.
We will be updating our class page regularly, giving you snapshots of our every day learning in class and any special events we may hold.
If you would like to speak to us or need to send us a message, we can be contacted via email
Important Information
Our PE sessions are on Thursdays for both classes. On Fridays there is swimming. 4D will be swimming for the first half term from the 10th January and 4B will swim in the second half term starting from the 28th February. If your child wears earrings please either remove them before school or ensure your child knows how to remove the the earrings themselves before the PE or swimming session.
For swimming, it is very important that your child brings a towel along with their swimsuit or shorts.
- Times Tables: Children will have a times table test each Thursday.
- Spelling: Each Thursday in 4B, (and change of day for 4D to Monday) the children will have a spelling test based on the words from the Year 3/4 spelling curriculum.
- Reading: Children will be expected to read regularly at home. We ask that you support your child's reading by listening to them read at least 3 times a week. Please can your child bring in their reading pack each day so they are ready to read at home or in school.
Class 4D have been busy this week developing their understanding of programming. They have programmed the on screen turtle to move in order to create shapes of numbers and letters. They have noticed errors and considered how to debug their commands. The children were very proud of what they were able to create, as for most it was the first time using this program. You can use Turtle Academy online at to practise this at home.

Year 4 have been busy investigating solids so they can answer, What is a solid?

Year 4 Science lesson from Anglian Water. We have found out about how Anglian Water look after our water and what happens to the water in the water cycle.

Year 4 have been busy making blocks to print with and then printing using contrasting colours. Groups worked as a team to create their image.
In Year 4 we have been busy finding out about teeth and the digestive system in science. We have completed an investigation to test the effects of different liquids on eggs as a way of considering the effects of different liquids around our teeth. We were very surprised by the effects of cola and tea.
Class 4D have used a book (Can I build another me?) for transition into Year 4. We are very proud of the work in our gallery. The book helped us to think about things that are important to us and what makes us special, even by drawing ourselves with our own, individual tree on the tops of our heads.