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Kidgate Primary Academy

‘Growing Kind Hearts and Curious Minds’

‘Growing Kind Hearts and Curious Minds’

EYFS Intake September 2025

We hope the images below give you and your child a flavour of what Kidgate and life in Reception is really like.  Most of you will have had the opportunity for a brief 'Outdoor Tour' during our after-school transition visits, but these photos add a little bit more for you.  We have tried to capture many of the areas that your children will use on a day-to-day basis.


So, whether it's knowing what equipment there is in the outdoor learning space, what the toilets look like, where we go for dinner or where we hang our coats, we hope that you find this 'mini-tour' useful.


Welcome to our special page dedicated to families of children who will be starting their learning journey in Reception year at Kidgate Primary Academy in September 2025.  This is where you will find all the information you will need to support you and your child in the process.  It will be updated regularly with key information and suggested activities to support your child's transition to Kidgate Primary Academy.


Firstly, welcome to Kidgate Primary Academy! We feel so excited and privileged that you have chosen us to support you with your child’s next steps in their education and learning journey. This is a really exciting, but perhaps daunting, time in both yours and your child’s life; we are here to support you all and make this transition as smooth and positive as possible.


We expect many of you will have questions and queries you will want to discuss with us. Whilst this is a bit of a challenge at this current time, there is nothing that cannot be achieved.  At the bottom of this page is an enquiry form for you to use if you have any specific EYFS/Reception questions you wish to ask us.



We hold a welcome and information evening in the summer term so that you can meet us, learn more about the first few weeks of school, answer any questions and put your minds at ease. 


After visiting the children in their pre school settings, we invite all of our new starters in for taster 'Stay and Play' sessions during the Summer Term. 


We look forward to meeting you and getting to know you and your families. 


Mrs R. Maltman (EYFS Lead) & The Early Years Team

EYFS New Intake Contact Form
