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Kidgate Primary Academy

‘Growing Kind Hearts and Curious Minds’

‘Growing Kind Hearts and Curious Minds’

Year 5

An important message from all the team at

Kidgate Primary Academy:


Whilst we would like you to be able to complete as much of our home learning as you can, we also understand that this may not always be possible.  This may be for a number of reasons.  We appreciate that every family is going through a range of different experiences and challenges at the moment and we would not want you to be hard on yourselves if you do not feel able to complete learning on a particular day in a given week. 

All we ask is that you and your children try to do whatever you can, with the time and resources you have available.  We will always be very grateful for anything you are able to do, but will not mind if some work is left incomplete.

Home Learning from Monday 1st June to Friday 5th June


Dear Year 5,


We do hope that you've had a wonderful half term. We've certainly been enjoying a break from home-school in my house, and we've particularly enjoyed the wonderful weather. Home-school resumes on Monday 1st June. As well as the daily maths lessons and some reading, spelling and grammar activities, we'll continue with our Journeys in the Unknown theme for this week. We'll update this page next week - watch out for more exciting activities and learning.


Please note, whilst the excellent videos are still free, White Rose Maths worksheets are no longer available from their website without a premium subscription. Thankfully, we are subscribed - please scroll down to find all the latest worksheets and answers. If you don't have a printer, you can make jottings on paper or use the screen. You may well be able to draw on the screen with an app on your device. There is no need to replicate what is on the screen in your books (there are lots of bar models this week)... unless you want to, of course!


We are still enjoying hearing from you and seeing pictures of your home-school activities. We haven't heard from some of you lately, so please do drop us a quick email to let us know how you are!


We look forward to seeing you soon (we hope)! Take care and stay safe,


Mrs Rhodes and Mrs Misodi



FIRST NEWS - keep up to date with all the latest news

Optional extra learning activities

If you would like to do extra learning at home, there are some brilliant resources available for you online. We've chosen some of our favourites for you to have a look at, if you wish to.
