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Kidgate Primary Academy

‘Growing Kind Hearts and Curious Minds’

‘Growing Kind Hearts and Curious Minds’

Year 3

An important message from all the team at

Kidgate Primary Academy:


Whilst we would like you to be able to complete as much of our home learning as you can, we also understand that this may not always be possible.  This may be for a number of reasons.  We appreciate that every family is going through a range of different experiences and challenges at the moment and we would not want you to be hard on yourselves if you do not feel able to complete learning on a particular day in a given week. 

All we ask is that you and your children try to do whatever you can, with the time and resources you have available.  We will always be very grateful for anything you are able to do, but will not mind if some work is left incomplete.


We do hope that you've had a wonderful half term. We've particularly enjoyed the wonderful weather. Home-school resumes on Monday 1st June. As well as the daily maths, English and reading lessons, we have one more mini-project for you to enjoy.

We are still enjoying hearing from you and seeing pictures of your home-school activities. Your photos have been shared on our Class Page and on Twitter, so keep checking those too to see what your friends are doing.

We haven't heard from some of you lately, so please do drop us a quick email to let us know how you are!


Take care and stay safe,

Miss Morrow and Miss Dowlman


Home Learning from Monday 1st June to Friday 5th June


Below, you will find an document to explain your daily tasks for this week, and the guides to support your learning. This week, you'll be finding out about how glass is recycled, through articles, videos and role play, before writing about the process. Enjoy!


Here are five more reading comprehensions for you to try - one per day. Please remember to keep reading different books too. We are enjoying reading our own books at home, and would love to know what you have been reading and if you have any recommendations for your friends. 



White Rose lessons this week are based on Fractions. Next week, we will move away from fractions. Below are the White Rose worksheets to supplement the videos that are on alongside the answers. We have also included some 'Minute Maths' style questions that the children will be familiar with. They usually have a time to complete the questions - this can be up to you. Don't forget daily times tables practise such as Rockstars that have been provided or times tables games. 


Here is one more mini-project about the United Kingdown (U.K) Choose how you would like to present your work. You could make posters, factfiles, a video, written reports or even a news report. Within each project, there is a variety of different subject activities for you to try. What's the most exciting way to share what you know about the U.K? 


Other useful links and ideas for this week:


Science - gardening ideas:

Block 3: Monday 11th - Friday 22nd May


Hello Year 3! We hope you are all well and healthy. We are missing you in our classes!


Whilst we would like you to be able to complete as much of our home learning as you can, we also understand that this may not always be possible.  This may be for a number of reasons.  We appreciate that every family is going through a range of different experiences and challenges at the moment and we would not want you to be hard on yourselves if you do not feel able to complete learning on a particular day in a given week.  All we ask is that you and your children try to do whatever you can, with the time and resources you have available.  We will always be very grateful for anything you are able to do, but will not mind if some work is left incomplete.


We have got some more home learning ideas for you. As before, there are activities that we would like you to carry out daily including reading, times tables, writing and maths. Additionally, there are weekly challenges and other ideas that you may like to try too. We are pleased that you enjoyed the mini-projects we set you last time, so we have put together two more for you, some different creative ideas (using just a couple of things!) as well as some new outdoor activities for you to try. 


Remember, we would LOVE to hear from you; how you are finding the work, any questions and any photos of you keeping busy so send us an email if you can. Also, keep a look out on our Year 3 class page where we have been adding photos of your friends working hard already. Remember to use your Home-Learning book for some activities we have set you.


Stay safe, keep smiling, and be kind! 

Miss Morrow and Miss Dowlman.


Below are a range of comprehension activities and a reading bingo card. This contains several different reading activities. 

Please choose which activity you want to complete each day. 

Children's online newspaper - First News



Here are some different writing tasks. Each task is a week long if you wish. We have added a few ideas so that you can have a choice. These range from poems to dinosaurs, chocolate to pollution! We look forward to seeing what writing you have been doing.  There is also a SPaG activity where you need to help aliens, and a palindrome activity.

Support with English writing - what do we mean by adverb openers or prepositions? Here are some word mats that the children can remind themselves of the word classes and refer to. There is also a bank of words that the children could use when they want to improve their work, including their word choices - beautiful instead of nice, for instance. 


​​​​​Please continue the White Rose daily Maths sessions for Year 3 or the BBC Bitesize activities. Below is the link to it and also 'Fantastic 5'. Five arithmetic questions that the children will have been used to answering. Don't forget daily times table practise when you can!


Here are two new projects for you; one is about Alaska, the other is about India. For each week, choose which country you would like to focus on and how you would like to present your work. You could make posters, factfiles, written reports or even a news report. Within each project, there is a variety of different subject activities for you to try. 

Art and Technology

Here are a selection of art and technology ideas you might like to try, and most of the equipment is probably already in your recycling box!

Science investigations


Here are a range of science investigations you might like to try. They use household items, so you probably won't need anything new for them. Enjoy!



Have a go at putting together your own PE lesson using the image below to help you. For your own name, complete the activities for each letter (in the correct order). Don't forget, your family can do this too. Does someone in your family have an easier or trickier routine than you have for your name? Once you've completed it for your own name, you could have a go at practising your spellings with it. Maybe try one of our recent project words, like pyramid, Egyptian, or even Tutankhamun. Have fun! 

* Remember, if an activity is too tricky for you (eg somersault or cartwheel), replace it with something you can do (eg forward roll, teddy bear roll, etc)

Outdoor activities

As the weather keeps getting nicer, you might want to spend even more time outside. Here are a few new ideas that you might like to try.

Enrichment Activities


Here are some new enrichment activities you might like to try.









Block 2 


VE Day activities - Have a go at cracking the code, singing some songs or baking some war-time recipes!

Suggested Home Learning Schedule

Let's be artists! Have a go at making some optical illusion art work.

Daily English:

We have created some reading, writing and spelling activities for you to have a go at daily. Remember to give yourself breaks in between activities. 

Reading Resources:
 There are a range of reading resources below for you to complete across the next few weeks. We have also included some film related activities to help to develop your sequencing and reviewing skills.


We have added a Spelling Brain Blaster game, the games that we use in class (and that you will have seen at the spelling workshop in the Autumn term) and some ideas of the spelling rules we would like you to learn, alongside some handy websites:

#Fieldworklive will be a fortnight of FREE live lessons which will take place from Monday 20th April – Friday 1st May 2020, focusing on a range of Geography and Science content. The first session links to an aspect of Science the children learn in Y3:

Block 2, week 1:

Daily Maths:

We use some resources from White Rose to help with our Maths lessons in school. Follow these free daily sessions that provide the children with a video to watch, some questions and the answers to check their work all in one (the web link can be found below). 

Please refer to the suggested schedule where activities after that include: addition and subtraction, fractions and multiplication.


Block 2, Week 1 - Writing:

Your writing each day will build up to form a unit of work, just like it does at school. This week, your challenge is to write a setting description based on an image. On the document below, you will find the image to work from, planning sheets, success criteria and editing guidelines to help you. I have also attached a series of word mats for you - remember to use the ambitious vocabulary that we have been practising, instead of big/ small/ nice/ walk, etc.

Block 2 week 1 weekly activities: 


Mini-Project Work (art theme)

Block 2, week 2

Daily Maths:

Continue with the White Rose schedule online and practising of the times tables.

Learn about time, length and height and have a go at some of the quizzes that were suggested in week one.

Block 2, Week 2 - Writing:

Just like last week, your writing each day will build up to form a unit of work. This week, your challenge is to write a story based on an image and your understanding of Egypt - you are going to need to invent your own characters, and use your imagination! On the document below, you will find the image to work from, planning sheets, success criteria and editing guidelines to help you. Remember to use the word mats from last week to help you again. I look forward to seeing some of your stories. Have fun!

Block 2, Week 2: Mini-Project (Australia theme)

Choose the parts of the project that you want to explore - try to complete the Geography part first though, as this will underpin the rest of the learning.

Block 2, week 3:

Daily Maths: 

These include the White Rose sessions online, finishing off the time lesson from last week

 and practising the grid method. Could you take your Maths learning outside? Send us an e-mail of what you have been doing!

Block 2, Week 3 - Writing:

This week, your challenge is to write an informal letter to someone you admire. On the document below, you will find example letters to annotate, planning ideas, success criteria and editing guidelines to help you. I have also attached a scaffold for you to support in your letter writing. Remember to keep using interesting vocabulary and explain your reasons in detail. 

Block 2, Week 3: Mini-Project (South Africa theme)



Don't forget to keep active!

Joe Wicks (The Body Coach) is delivering live PE lessons at 9am every weekday. You can tune in here:


Here is a 30 minute fitness routine to have a go at as a family:


Do you need some calmer physical activities? Try these videos from Yoga coaches:

Do you need something to help you to relax and unwind? Here are some mindfulness colouring activities you could print at home to help you to find your inner calm.

Further ideas:

Every day famous author, Oliver Jeffers, will be reading a story live online. Join him at 6pm for a daily story time here:


Ten Minute challenges created by authors and illustrators:

Put on your own show and sing some songs that you have heard in class:

The Mummy song:

Walk like an Egyptian:

The Mummification song:

The Mummification rap:

Block 1 

Information page

Art. Here are a few art ideas for you to try out at home.

31.3.20 - Let's spread happiness.

Lots of people live on their own, so they haven't got someone special to keep them company like you have at the moment. Let's help to cheer them up and make them feel loved by drawing and/or colouring a picture for them. Stick it up in your window for other people to see as they walk past.


30.3.20: Let's be explorers! Here are a selection of scavenger hunts to choose from. Don't forget to keep a record of what you have discovered. I wonder if you'll find different things to your friends.



As we are still lucky enough to have the sun shining, let's make the most of it by spending some time with our loved ones outdoors. Why not have a picnic in the garden today? Can you develop your cooking skills (you all learnt how to use a knife safely on our Farmhouse Breakfast trip) by helping your grown up to prepare the food? You could help to make the sandwiches, and serve the tasty treats that make up your lunch.


(If the sun isn't shining where you are, or if it's cold, you could have a living room picnic instead. Just spread a rug out on the floor and sit together while you eat, pretending that you are outside. Where could you be? The beach? A rainforest? Ancient Egypt? Let your imagine run wild!) 





Let's get out in the sunshine today and be creative. If you've got some chalk at home, draw a picture on your driveway or on the path outside your house for others to enjoy (make sure you ask permission from your adult first). If you've got more room, could you draw out a hopscotch on the path to play with your family too?


Have fun!

25.3.20: Don't forget to keep in touch with nature. Spend half an hour birdwatching through your windows. What birds visit your garden or street? Keep track of them using the survey sheet. There are also a selection of craft activities below for your garden, or linked to the birds you might see. Enjoy!
