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Kidgate Primary Academy

‘Growing Kind Hearts and Curious Minds’

‘Growing Kind Hearts and Curious Minds’

Year 3


Welcome to the Year 3 page.

Visit this page for important dates, information and photos of lots of wonderful learning. 


Our class teachers are Miss Dowlman and Mr Fieldsend. Mrs Brady teaches Miss Dowlman's class on a Tuesday. Mrs Moncaster, Ms Pope, Miss Boughtwood and Mrs Newton are are teaching assistants.


PE Information

  •  Wednesday morning for both classes.
  • Please note, children need to be able to take our their single stud earrings independently prior to P.E taking place.
  • Plasters cannot be used to cover piercings. 


Important Information

  • Reading: Listen to your child read at least 3 times a week. It is important that they continue to improve their reading fluency and comprehension skills.  


  • Times Tables: we will be busy exposing the children to all of the times tables this year (up to 12x). To support us with this, please practice your child's personalised times table at home. They will be tested on this every Wednesday. You could do this on the Times Table Rockstars website/app. Please ask your child's teacher for their login and password if you need it.


  • Spellings: Children in 3D will be tested on a Tuesday, and children in 3F will be tested on a Wednesday. Learning the words little and often, in a mixed order is key to remembering the spelling rules, not just the order of the spellings in the test.


New Spellings and Timestables will be sent on a Wednesday




D.E.A.R! Drop everything, and read! Y3 +Y5 read with each and the atmosphere was calm, but enthusiastic. Everybody loved sharing books with one another.
