Performance & Standards
Our statutory assessment results and outcomes for the academic year 2022-23 are as follows:
(Results of this pupil cohort are impacted by significant chunks of time in school missed due to the COVID-19 pandemic)
Percentage of children who have achieved the expected standard
Reading: 80%
Writing: 64%
Maths: 80%
Combined attainment in all three subjects
Reading, Writing & Maths: 59%
Greater Depth: 5%
Average Scaled Scores in statutory tests
Reading: 104
Maths: 104
Key Stage 2 Progress
Average progress in reading: -1.4
Average progress in writing: -3.2
Average progress in maths: -0.7
You can search for schools, colleges and multi-academy trusts in England and check their performance via the government's Compare School Performance website: