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Kidgate Primary Academy

‘Growing Kind Hearts and Curious Minds’

‘Growing Kind Hearts and Curious Minds’

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5

Welcome to the Year 5 page. Please take the time to have a look at what we have been doing so far in Year 5 and what we will be doing as the year progresses. 


Our class teachers are Mrs Wood (5W) and Miss Deakins and Mrs Iveson (5DI). Miss Hallion, Mrs Bourne, Mrs Abualzuluf and Mrs White are our teaching assistants. 


If you would like to speak to us or need to send us a message, we can be contacted via email at or


Important Information


  • Our Indoor PE sessions are on a Thursday for 5DI and on a Friday for 5W.
  • Our Outdoor PE sessions are on a Wednesday for both classes.
  • Please ensure your child brings their P.E. bag into school every Monday and we will send it home weekly.


  • Spellings- test and new words given every Friday. Children will need to fill in the spelling sheet given, with activities on.


  • Multiplication tables- test and new times tables to learn will given every Friday. Children will get 5 seconds to solve each question.


  • Reading- all children will be given a reading book and reading diary from our school scheme. Children will need to bring in their reading diary each day. Reading books can be changed when completed.

DT: We have been designing our very own jar labels for spaghetti bolognese!

Drop Everything and Read: Year 5 were joined by Year 3 today and had a lovely reading session!

Science Investigation: Year 5 have been investigating the properties of different materials. This week, we have all had different roles in our groups and have tested absorbency of different papers. Some groups decided to change the liquid to see if this affected the results!

Year 5 have started to explore Black History Month within their Music and Reading Fluency Lessons. In Music, the children have learnt about the Gospels and Kirk Franklin and have had opportunities to listen to a range of Gospel songs and consider their purpose. In our Reading Fluency sessions, the children have learnt about the poet Benjamin Zephaniah and worked in teams to perform his poem: 'Talking Turkeys.'

DT: This week, we have been learning all about food preparation techniques and have practised cutting fruits using the claw and bridge hold.

DT: In DT, the children have been learning where our food comes from. Through this unit, they have been investigating food packaging and the nutritional values on these. We have been so impressed with the learning that has been happening at home and with all the packaging the children have collected. We have discussed how to make healthier food choices and have adapted a spaghetti bolognese recipe to make it more nutritious!

Reading: This term, Year 5's class reading book is 'Krindlekrax' by Philip Ridley. We already have so many questions: 'Who is Krindlekrax?' 'Where did Krindlekrax come from?' 'Will Ruskin be a hero?'

Grammar: In Year 5, we are focusing on grammar this term. This includes joining sentences with conjunctions and using fronted adverbials. Below are some documents that the children in Year 5 have been using to help them in their writing:
