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Kidgate Primary Academy

‘Shaping Lives, Building Futures’

‘Shaping Lives, Building Futures’


Welcome to Reception...

We are the youngest children at Kidgate and we all work together in Foundation Stage with

Mrs Maltman, Miss Skipworth, Miss Barber, Mrs Richardson and Mrs Hollidge.


Keep visiting this page to see how we learn and the exciting new things we will be discovering!


Our core text has been 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' by Eric Carle. We have written lists of the food he ate, explored symmertry through art and have made our own healthy caterpillar fruit kebabs. Yum yum! One of our friends made his own healthy caterpillar at home too - it looked delicious!

We had a special delivery in EYFS this morning... 5 tiny caterpillars. We will watch them grow as they eat their food, before forming chrysalis'. We will then wait patiently for them to hatch out as beautiful butterflies, which we will release into our school garden. The chidlren are enjoying observing change as the caterpillars grow.

Our 'big picture' for Summer Term 1 is 'Garderner's World'.

Some of our children have been busy preparing their gardens at home too...

What a wonderful afternoon we have had being scientists and engineers here in EYFS for British Science Week 2024. We have used cream from the farm to make our own butter. We acted like the butter churner and shook shook shook, observing as the cream changed from a liquid to a solid - butter! We also acted as engineers to build bridges for the Billy Goats Gruff. We had to think about the materials we were using and how we could make our bridge stronger. But did it manage to hold the weight of the goat? We had an extra challenge of only having fifteen minutes to build... tick, tick, tick!

We invited the special ladies in our lives to a Mothering Sunday tea party on Friday. To prepare for this celebration, we talked about the tradition of Mothering Sunday. We baked scones in the Kidgate Kitchen with Mrs Hollidge, and then we used cream from the farm to make butter for our scones. We made special cards and tied posies of flowers. We really enjoyed talking about all of our learning so far this term.

World Book Day 2024!

We were lucky enough this morning to be joined at Kidgate by some real farmers from Louth! They came to tell us more about life on the farm as part of our Down on the Farm project. We explored different cereal crops, using our senses to see how they looked and felt, matching them to the food we might find them in. Farmer Holly told us about how our crops get from seed to our plates and all about the machinery used on a farm. We then got to join Farmer Alec at the tractor (we couldn’t believe there was a real tractor parked in our school car park!) We asked lots of sensible questions to find out more, and even got to sit inside the tractor. What a brilliant morning!

Our Spring Term 2 'Big Picture' is Down on the Farm. We will find out about animals you find on a farm, arable farms and where our food comes from.

We have hung our bird food around our school. We hope the hungry birds like it!

In maths, we have been comparing groups of objects and using the words 'more' and 'fewer' to describe what we can see.

Our core text this week is ‘Owl Babies’. We are going on a big bird watch to spot birds that stay in Britain in winter. We have made different sorts of bird food to feed the hungry birds all around our school. We have owl pellets in our 'Curiosity Cube' - we can ask questions to explore.

We have been exploring light and dark and different sources of light. Our core text 'The Gruffalo's Child' had shadows in it. We have explored shadows through shadow puppets and the sunshine outside.

We can show numbers to 10 on a tens frame!

We went on a welly walk to collect sticks from our outdoor classroom. We used our imagination to discuss all of the things that a stick could be, just like in our core text 'Stickman'.

We launched our project with a 'pyjama day'. The children came into school in their pyjamas with their favourite bedtime story. We shared stories, enjoyed a delicious hot chocolate. We then pretended it was bedtime, so that we could learn all about what happens 'While we are Sleeping'...

Our Spring Term 1 project is called While we are Sleeping. We will learn about night and day, nocturnal and hibernating animals and people who help us at night time. 

We have launched our Kidgate Expecatations - to play with care, act with thought, listen with attention, learn with pride and speak with kindness.

We have been talking about how and why some people choose to celebrate Christmas. We have discussed Advent and have our very own Advent candle in the classroom. We have an 'Advent story sack' and each day on the countdown to Christmas someone unwraps a story to read at home time. We told the Christmas story to our grown-ups in our 2024 Nativity 'Baarmy Bethlehem'. We learnt about the South American tradition of Posada - Mary and Joseph visited our school, as part of their Advent journey.

We are very much enjoying our Mastering Number sessions and have been showing numbers to 5 in lots of different ways!

We observed Remembrance and talked about why people may choose to wear a poppy. We painted poppies, made poppy biscuits in the Kidgate Kitchen and used our fine motor skills to make paper poppies. We observed a minutes silence and talked about the Cbeebies animation 'Poppies'.

We talked about how and why some people choose to celebrate Diwali. We had a special visit from Sunita, who told us all about how she chooses to celebrate. We made 'coconut barfi' sweets in the Kidgate Kitchen. We explored Rangoli patterns and manipulated clay to make our own Diva lamps.

We have talked about how and why some people choose to celebrate Bonfire Night. We learnt the rhyme 'Remember, Remember the 5th November...' We used loose parts to make our own fireworks in a night sky.

We have been busy in the Kidgate Kitchen making Autumn leaf biscuits. We used ginger to flavour our biscuits, before using our sense of smell and taste to try them.

We have been seasonal detectives, exploring signs of Autumn. We have been working at the observation station and drawing what we can see. We have used leaf parts to create and make patterns.

We can say which group has more, and which group has fewer. We are always using our learning in our play and when exploring the world around us.

We have been very busy learning in our Read, Write, Inc. and Maths sessions. We are using our Fred talk to read and our Fred Fingers to spell. In Maths we are learning to subitise, and count to 5, and thinking about how we can represent numbers in different ways.

We have been exploring the world around us using our senses. We can name our 5 senses.

Please see below a link to the Read, Write, Inc. parent workshop delivered on 11.10.23.

We have had a busy two weeks getting settled into life at Kidgate. We have made new friends, played inside and out and got used to our new routines. We can't wait to keep learning and growing together this term!

EYFS Newsletter Autumn 1

Mathematics in the Early Years at Kidgate


Here is a link to a page with helpful videos to support your child’s learning. It contains a video to help with the pronunciation of the pure sounds, top tips video and how to blend. We hope you find them helpful.


Small Talk Website

The site is designed to help you develop the confidence and skills you need to boost your child’s language skills at home.




Here are some helpful videos to support your child on their maths journey.


Here is a website with many games to support your child’s learning


More maths videos to support counting
