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Kidgate Primary Academy

‘Growing Kind Hearts and Curious Minds’

‘Growing Kind Hearts and Curious Minds’

Events & Visits

Official Opening of Co-op and Bonmarche

We are very proud of the two children from year 3 and their families for proudly representing Kidgate Primary Academy in the official opening of the Louth Co-op and Bonmarche during this May half-term.

Christmas Carol Service 2023

A lovely service was held at St James Church on Tuesday 19th December. The children read beautifully and retold the Nativity story. At regular intervals throughout, the children sung Christmas songs and carols, with parents and carers enjoying many special moments and memories.


Visit by Mrs Patel 

On Friday 8th December Kidgate Primary Academy were lucky to host a visit from Mrs Patel. She took a Key Stage 1 Assembly all about Diwali and the Festival of lights. The children were fascinated by the story of Rama and Sita and enjoyed joining in all the actions.


Then she worked with children in Year 4 to perform Indian dances and to discuss Hindu Beliefs and lifestyles. This enhanced Year 4's learning in their RE curriculum in which they are currently studying about Hindu Beliefs. An enriching and informative day was had by all.


Harvest Festival

Our Harvest Festival took place on 17th November at St James Church. A lovely service of songs and readings took place as we celebrated what Harvest meant to us. The generous contributions of tinned and packet produce  from our pupils and families was donated to the Louth Community Larder, a charitable cause to help those people in need.

Remembrance Service

On Friday 10th November we held a moving service to mark this important event. Children from Year 6 led the service with readings and poems to remember those servicemen and women who fought for our country. We held a minute's silence and then showed our respect by walking silently back to our classes.
